
Tailored made activities for educators and students.

Project Activities​

This activity will focus on producing the research and analysis of the state of the art of service learning and how it contributes to social inclusion of young people around Europe. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Rijeka will analyse the different models for service learning used by the project partners as well as work on identifying the other examples of good practice around Europe. The main aim of this activity is to analyse the existing practices within and outside of the consortium and set the grounds for adapting the existing models and creating new ones to be tested. The methodology for research will be based on desk research as a starting point, questionnaire and interviews with universities/ communities implementing service learning. Based on the information collected, the analyse the existing practices and produce a report with recommendations for the following phases of the project related to the adaptation and development of new models, development of curriculum and their implementation will be executed. The final outcome will be in depth analysis on the existing practices and curricula in service learning with an additional reflection on the EU related policies, recommendations and results of already funded projects in order to avoid repetition and create synergies.


This activity will be based on the work done in State of the Art Report. Based on the report produced an upscaled model of service-learning curriculum to be piloted in the participating countries in IE, HR, SK, AT, ES. A needs assessment will be conducted in the participating countries and then adapt a model/s that will be suitable for each of the partners. Model(s) adapted will ensure the role model component which will be the main innovation in the service-learning curriculum and based on the model implemented. Partners will ensure that non-formal education methodology and its principles are incorporated in the model(s) to enhance higher and more quality active participation of young people and peer to peer exchange at local level together with their initiatives.

Based on the results of the State of the Art Report and Upscaling the service learning models this activity will be fully focused on developing the training programme for school teachers and role models involved in the programme. The aim of the activity is to prepare the teachers and role models to deliver service-learning modules in schools to young people. This will be done through developing educational materials (toolkit) and translating them in different languages in order to achieve higher level of transferability of the curriculum. Activity will prepare the teachers and role models for the implementation of the models in schools and increase their understanding of importance of non-formal education and its principles when working with young people as well as the importance of role models component as a peer to peer support to learning and developing social and civic competences. This will be done by the preparation of the Teacher and Role Models Training Toolkit that will include:

  • information about what is service learning,
  • guidance on developing and maintaining relations with local community, grassroots organisations and conducting needs assessments
  • guidance on how to set learning objectives, social inclusion elements and following “learning to learn” principles.
  • guidance on non-formal education methodology and principles
  • training framework for the preparation of the role models and teachers

The concept of role models and their importance for working with communities and young individuals will be explained with examples of modules to be delivered together with young people in schools and methodology on how to support their learning and acquiring of competences. A specific focus on principles of non-formal education following closely the learner-centred approach – the service learning will be based and focused on the needs of young people taking into considerations the needs of the community as well. The training toolkit will be translated to the languages of the partners to make it as accessible as possible to teachers, role models, CSOs and schools thus overcoming the language barrier as a potential obstacle.

This activity will be entirely focused on the implementation of pilots of the upscaled service-learning models in 5 schools in 5 different countries (Spain, Ireland, Austria, Croatia and Slovakia). The piloting will be conducted based on the Toolkit – and will include the training for the teachers and role models which will be implementing the programme, including representatives of CSOs (grassroots organisations) from the local community. The actual piloting will be designed based on the needs assessment conducted however, before the implementation a final review of the piloting design in each community will happen to ensure the consistency and coherence between the needs and the upscaled model(s). A baseline questionnaire and assessment will be developed and conducted regarding the civic and social competences of young secondary school students taking part to set the baseline for their learning curve. Together with teachers, indicators for measuring the success will be set, with special focus on the changes regarding the impact of the models on early school leaving and therefore improving their chances for social inclusion.

This activity will ensure the uptake of the project outputs within the policy dimension on local, regional and international level creating systemic change. Advocacy plans with aim to influence policy on the Local and international/EU level will be established. Final conference in Brussels, with 80 participants, gathering the actors and stakeholders that have been involved in the piloting: Project partner representatives, teachers, role models, CSO/ grassroots organisations representatives, together with other interested stakeholders and educational policymakers, to initiate a discussion on international scale, leading to further research and actions in the field as well as policy and practices changes across Europe beyond the scope of the project partnership will be executed.

The quality assurance and monitoring will be analysing the project implementation process with continuous improvement quality management logic. The monitoring will include the quality control workshops occurring at each partner meeting and also a regular contact with the partners through the task & communication system. Referrals and remedial actions will be suggested in case of top quality shortfalls, in addition to suggestions to be included in the follow-up actions. The evaluation process will measure the effectiveness of the upscaled models in combating social exclusion and supporting the acquisition of social and civic competences. A report will be produced that clearly describes the research methodology, data and evidence collected, together with an analysis and conclusions. The external evaluation will provide additional checks and balances for the quality delivery of all project objectives and provide, through the external evaluation report, an extra justification for the reliability of the project results and conclusions.